Care for your ears - begins with proper tools

Have you ever cleaned your earwax? Have you ever been hospitalized for earwax? Patients often come to the ENT department with itchy ears, ear pain or clogged ears, and a large percentage of these visits are due to improper cleaning of earwax. Most people know very little about their ears and do not take care of them in their daily lives. They are not aware of the behaviors that can lead to hearing loss, so some people do not notice hearing loss in time.

 The ear can be divided into several parts: the pinna, the external auditory canal, the middle ear, and the inner ear. If any part of the ear is damaged, it can have serious consequences and even lead to deafness. The most important function of the ear is to hear sounds. In addition, the ear contains an important organ that maintains the balance of the body. When this organ is impaired, it may lead to various dizziness.


Ear Structure


                                              What is earwax?

Earwax, also called cerumen, is produced by the body to protect the ears. Earwax consists of dead skin cells and hairs that, along with discharge from two different glands, have both lubricating and antibacterial properties. Earwax is produced in the outer part of the ear canal. Most often, old earwax is moved through the ear canal by jaw movements such as chewing. When it reaches the outside of the ear, it falls off.




                                          How to protect the ear?

How to take care of your ears properly? In this regard, doctors have given two pieces of advice.

First, pay attention to how your ears feel, develop good ear cleaning habits, and do not use your hands or hard objects to clean your ears. The most common cause of earwax buildup and ear blockage is trying to clean your ears with cotton swabs or hairpins. This only pushes the earwax deeper into the ear canal and can also damage the ear.

If left untreated, excess earwax can cause the symptoms of a blocked ear to worsen. These symptoms can include ear pain, hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), an itchy feeling in the ear, discharge or odor from the ear, dizziness and other symptoms.


The dangers of cotton swabs


The second point is that you should not do things that cause "discomfort" to your ears, such as wearing headphones, talking on the phone or staying in a place with high volume for a long time.


Habits that are harmful to the ear


If you notice a foreign object in your ear or have an itchy ear, you should see an ENT doctor or use the professional Bebird visual ear wax removal to check and clean your ear canal. Bebird ear cleaner also allows you to save pictures or videos of your ear canal on your phone and send them to your doctor. This saves you time and money by performing the ear canal inspection without leaving your home.


Bebird visual earwax removal


                                    How to protect the ear of a child?

Babies cannot verbalize where they are uncomfortable, and the symptoms of an ear infection are similar to those of a cold and can easily be mistaken for a cold. A middle ear infection can cause your baby's hearing to change significantly, such as not responding well to sounds. An acute middle ear infection is also often accompanied by pain in the ear, so the baby may seem irritable, cry more than usual, and pull on the ears constantly. Symptoms such as fever and vomiting may also occur.If the infection is severe, the eardrum may be perforated and mucus or pus may flow from the baby's ear, but the pain will be relieved. If you notice the above symptoms in your baby, you should consider whether your baby has otitis media and have him or her examined immediately. Earwax removal tool camera can often be used to check the baby's ear canal, and a HD water resistant ear endoscope of Bebird can also be used to examine the scalp, nose, mouth and other areas.


Multiple ways to use Bebird ear cleaner


                     Is there any significance to the color of earwax?

Healthy earwax comes in different colors, but sometimes the color has a meaning. First, you need to check whether you have wet or dry earwax. Wet earwax is a light yellow, honey or orange-brown color. Wet earwax is sticky. Dry earwax is likely to be whitish or gray and scaly.

As a rule, darker earwax is older earwax in both cases. It probably contains more dust and has been exposed to more air. If your earwax is more of a discharge that contains white or greenish pus, or if you find it on your pillow after sleeping, you should see your doctor.

Bebird ear camera and wax remover comes with a variety of different eartips to remove all types of earwax. The smart tweezers also clip out earwax, making ear cleaning easier, safer and more efficient.


Smart ear tweezers


Multiple types of ear tips


                                  Check regularly, clean properly

Use Bebird visual earwax removal tool to safely remove earwax that has accumulated in the ear canal, and check it regularly. Remember, earwax is not bad per se. It's supposed to help keep your ears from becoming infected. However, when it accumulates, it can cause problems by irritating your ears and preventing you from hearing well. So if you get in the habit of checking your ear canal regularly and cleaning it properly, you can do a lot for your ear health.


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